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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer Day

Summer Day

Today is breezy, warm and sunny, almost too good to be real.

I’ve spent part of the day in the yard, weeding, weeding, weeding, but took time in between for sitting, resting and enjoying.

The air is full of murmurs of rustling leaves, whispering to all who will listen, “Summer is here.  Enjoy it. Breathe in the fragrances of the Russian sage by the door, the cinnamon scented pinks, the mock orange near the windows and the heavily perfumed irises.”

The sound of lawn mowers powering through the long, rain-nourished grass, the cacophonous racket of trimmers and weed whackers break the quiet.  Neighbours are out in their yards chatting about the weather and commiserating over all of their “To-Do” lists.

On the streets below our house, we hear motorcycles roaring by, shifting gears, cars motors droning, and the giggling laughter of children home from school, finally out for the summer.

Above and behind all the motor noises are the breezes ruffling the leaves, trees swaying and reminding everyone, “Breathe-in summer, enjoy.  Feel the luxurious heat caressing your skin, enjoy.  Listen to the soothing sounds of nature all around you, enjoy!”

I hope everyone treasures and takes pleasure in this superbly sunny day.

I did!

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