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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Autumn Photos

It is a challenge to write indoors when there is such beauty and change happening outdoors.  The world is mulching itself.  Colour and crunch and crispy days.  Hammocks which until recently held the drowsy days of summer are filling with drifting leaves.  Soon there will be stacks and stacks of dry leaves, raked and ready for children to jump and scream and play.

It is energizing to be outside, to write appreciating the last sheltered warm spots in the sun.  Soon enough the earth will be resting, trees bare, and the snow, which surprised us on Sunday, will no longer quickly melt away with a morning's warmth.  Best not to dwell on that, better to pause and enjoy the shorter balmy days and the gaudy, visual feast. 

Pause and breathe the mossy scents of autumn, hear the crunch of dry leaves as squirrels dart about gathering winter's store,  see the bright colours turning brown, wrapping the earth, taste the seasonal freshness of ripe apples, leeks, parsnips and cabbage, feel the dampness of the cool autumn air, cradle the firm, dry bulbs of daffodils and tulips while planting them in the chilled earth; enjoy it all.

Enjoy this autumn!


Anonymous said...

Your writing descriptions are as wonderful as the Autumn G

Carol Steel said...

Thank you. I appreciate your comments on my blogs and your support.