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Friday, November 4, 2011

Shediac River, New Brunswick

At the Shediac River, Saturday's breezes and the bright sun
created intriguing changes on the river.

The wind wrinkled the river; nothing reflected
in the pulsing ripples except the sunlight.

                 Later, the wind settled and
                   the sun's angle changed;
                      the Shediac River 
                        became like glass.

Sometimes life is like the river, full of hot air and waves, throwing off the flow of your day.

At others, the day is so smooth; all you need do is look,
to really see what is reflected clear and bright, back to you.

And sometimes, what is reflected back to you is crisper
and more in focus than what
you thought you saw
and understood before.

All photos are mine.


Crafty Green Poet said...

what a lovely river, I love how water changes its moods with the weather

Carol Steel said...

I am amazed at how diverse and beautiful any body of water is depending upon the light and the breeze. I love being near water in every form.