Happy Mother’s Day 2011
I have ten healthy, bright and lovable grandchildren, ranging in age from two to sixteen years. They each have wonderful, nurturing, loving mothers. I am fortunate. I have two amazing daughters and three amazing step-daughters…each one is a creative, capable, talented, strong woman.
Happy Mother’s Day, with much love…to M & M & P & J & J.
You each mother your children lovingly and well, in your own special and unique ways. Enjoy this day!
I hope when my granddaughters and grandsons grow to be adults, they will look back at this time and recognize what opportune childhoods they have had.
Happy Mother’s Day to my mother, who raised five of us…with much struggle, heartache and joy. And who continues, through the generations of children, grandchildren and great-grand-children, to support and nurture us all. I love you.
Happy Mother’s Day!
The image is mine.
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